We're a friendly group of people who enjoy photography and meet regularly to show and talk about our photos.


Come along to one of our meetings - you'll be made welcome, and if you want to improve your photo skills we'll be happy to offer help and encouragement.

See below for our upcoming and most recent events or take a look at our Programme for this year. For more information about the club go to the About Us page.

Most Recently...

My Photographic Journey by David Kallmeier - 23rd January

Orchard Sunset © David Kallmeier

For this month's Knowledge Night we invited David Kallmeier, our Club Secretary, to give us an illustrated talk on how his photography started and has developed as his skills have increased.


He started his talk by giving us a history of the cameras he has owned, together with example images from each. He explained how each new camera provided him with the tools to push his photography to a higher level.


David’s known for his beautiful macro and still life photos. He's also a skillful landscape photographer and is no slouch when it comes to wildlife - so, pretty good at anything he points his camera at. He demonstrated his skills at each genre by showing us some sumptuous images and answered questions from the audience.


We left suitably inspired - thank-you David for your presentation. Next month it's the turn of Tony Teague, our new Chair, to tell us about his photographic journey.


For details of forthcoming events take a look at our 2025 Programme.

Pick Up Goods © Tony teague

A new year and a start to our 2025 Programme which kicks off with the Show and Tell theme of Leading Lines.


Asking our members to submit images that use the compositional technique of leading lines meant that they could use their imagination to submit a wide-ranging selection of subjects. Pick Up Goods by Tony Teague (right), was voted the favourite.




Take a look at the other Image of the Year photos submitted by members on January's Members' Images page.


February's Theme - Peace & Tranquility - 20th February

Into the Sea © Adrian Chandler

Deep breath... And relax...


Our theme for February is Peace and Tranquility; two things that are increasingly difficult to find in today's frenetic world. The benefits of having images that help engender feelings of calm can't be overstated and photographers have an important role creating them.


Hopefully our members won't be too chilled out and forget to submit some images.


Relax - there's plenty of time to submit your photos by 9pm on Wednesday 19th February - either upload to Dropbox or by email to members@whphoto.club.


All our future themes and our other events are on our 2025 Programme page.


Underwater Photography by Roland Puleston Jones - November 28th

Stingray © Roland Puleston Jones

The last talk in our programme for this year was about something completely different from any subject we've covered before - underwater photography.


Roland Puleston Jones presented his illustrated talk about this fascinating subject. He showed some of his underwater images and explained the techniques and equipment he used to capture them.


Details of our activities for next year are on the 2025 Programme page.

Black-Throated-Diver © Nigel Spencer

For our penultimate talk this year we welcomed Nigel Spencer to present 'An Evening of Wildlife Photography' to our members and guests.


Wildlife photography is quite rightly very popular, not just because of the enchanting images, but also because of the desire of many photographers to take one themselves. Those of us who have tried know how hard this is, but Nigel's superb images made it look easy.




For details of this and our future events have a look at our 2025 Programme pages.